Scope of the Centre

The centre allows for any program of study and research that would require 2 or more departments from the University to collaborate, ideally but not necessarily so, in equal proportion (in terms of distribution of workload, courses and learning objectives of the students).

The centre started with the following flagship program -

Master of Science in Computational Linguistics

This program is being jointly offered by the following departments of the University

  • Department of Linguistics [K.M. Institute of Hindi and Linguistics] – Coordinating Department

  • Department of Mathematics [Institute of Basic Sciences] – Co-coordinating Department

  • Department of Statistics [Institute of Social Sciences] – Co-coordinating Department

  • Department of Computer Science [Institute of Engineering and Technology] – Co-coordinating Department

However, the scope of the centre extends beyond this one program and in future more innovative, industry-oriented and multi-departmental programs may be introduced. Some such programs may include programs on

  • Data Sciences

  • Digital Humanities

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Any other program of interest